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  • Writer's pictureDonna Fleming


Valentines Day is approaching fast and I wanted to share what it means to me to be in relationship with another soul. Being alone and being more than okay with that for quite some time is where I am currently.

Being in a romantic soul connection is where I would now like to be. I have been on a path of healing and opening my heart space since 2016 when I lost several family members back to back, the home I had been living in for 10 years through my very toxic and draining divorce. These situations left me reeling on all levels of my being. However, the way we understand ourselves best and realize what wounds we still potentially need to work on show up when we are in relationship. We become a mirror for each other, and sometimes trigger each other's unhealed wounds. But that's more than okay, because hopefully we are aware enough to understand that we need more work on these issues. With that being said, I love all the little things that make up being with someone that makes your heart sing.

Being in their presence and feeling the energy of love move between the two of you. Doing things together that are simple and more fun just because your sharing it with someone you love who reciprocates those feelings.

For those who are in my situation and want a soul connection, I would say use discernment and have patience. When you place your order (pray) to the Universe (God/Goddess) he/she will bring it to you. When you go to a restaurant and place your order for food you expect to be served, right?

The Universe always says Yes! Have faith, know what you want, and don't settle for less then you deserve.

I believe that souls cross our path for a multitude of reasons. I believe nothing is random or a coincidence. Maybe the two of you have a soul contract your souls agreed upon prior to incarnation. It could be a karmic situation in need of balancing that serves both of you for the growth of your souls. Sometimes that's painful. I try to remember that whatever happens, it is happening for me, not to me. It can be difficult to keep this in mind, especially when you feel betrayed and in pain. But just remember that

old line of what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. There are deep soul connections with those we have known before on the vast journey of our soul. Sometimes other souls drop in because they need our light.

When the time is right, may his soul find mine again.

Love and Light, enjoy your V day no matter what. Give yourself some love.


Wild Heart/Gypsy Soul

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